Delta Forcing Schools to Close Once Again

Dan Ansaldo photo
Dan Ansaldo

September 05, 2021 4 min read


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In this week’s Coronavirus update, we take a look at what schools are currently doing to face the Delta variant, and what it could mean for this coming school year. We also have updated nationwide and worldwide coronavirus numbers for you.

Increasing Covid Cases Forces Schools to Close

Since the school year began, over 1,000 schools have closed down in some capacity as a result of Covid infections, according to Burbio. Burbio is a data center that currently monitors 80,000 different schools across the nation for closures and other important updates. Of these closures, many have occurred recently and in areas that opened their schools first.

The average number of daily new cases for school-age children increased more rapidly in the 20 states that opened in late July or early August. In many of those states, such as Indiana, South Carolina, and Georgia, there have been record-setting numbers of Covid-cases among children.

Over 13,000 students in Mississippi tested positive for Covid-19 since the school year began in early August. Nearly 10% of New Mexico's students have been asked to quarantine. In Georgia, Covid-19 cases in schools were responsible for half of the new infections across the state.

It is important to note that so far, data shows the increase in cases and hospitalizations among children is due to the increase in transmissibility of Delta, not because Delta is more deadly. Dr. Walensky of the CDC said in a White House briefing that "more children have Covid-19 because there is more disease in the community."

Can Daily Testing Prevent Mass School Closures?

One of the most important questions that schools need to address is how to handle mass outbreaks. While Delta has spread rapidly in schools with loose mask guidelines, Delta has spread though districts that have strict masking policies in place as well. The school year has barely begun and has already forced over 1,000 schools to close down.  

What will schools do when colder weather (and likely higher infection rates) hits with full force? Massachusetts may hold the key to minimize mass closures and quarantines. When students are exposed to a confirmed case of Covid-19, they take rapid-tests daily to determine if they are positive or not. If they test negative, they can stay at school rather than automatically be quarantined.

Dr. Elizabeth Stuart, associate dean for education at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, commented on the Massachusetts policy by saying “I think that’s the kind of creative and technological solution that we’re going to need, because that balances the Covid risk with the desire to keep kids in in-person learning.”

Latest U.S. Numbers

Over the last two weeks, there has been a 7% increase in the number of cases, a 12% increase in the number of hospitalizations, and 53% increase in the number of deaths.
Latest Coronavirus Cases as of September 5, 2021

Several areas in the U.S. continue to have hot spots. South Carolina's cases have increased 50% with 106 cases per 100,000. Tennessee's cases have increased by 37% with 100 cases per 100,000. Kentucky's cases have increased 37% over the last 14 days with 99 cases per 100,000.
Latest Coronavirus Hot spots as of September 5, 2021

The CDC estimates that 176 million Americans are fully vaccinated. This accounts for 53% of the total population and 64% of adults 18 years and older. 62.3% of the total population (74.8% 18 and over) have received at least one dose.
Latest Coronavirus Vaccinations as of September 5, 2021

Below is a risk map of the U.S. based on testing data and current cases.
Coronavirus Risk Map as off September 5, 2021

Latest Worldwide Covid Numbers

The number of Covid cases decreased around the world. Cases have decreased by 7% to just over 610,000 cases on a daily average. Deaths have decreased by 4% to over 9,400 on a daily average.
Latest Coronavirus Cases Worldwide as of September 5, 2021

Countries around the world are continuing to have spikes in cases. Countries with the highest level of cases per capita are Israel with 106 cases per 100,000, Grenada 100 cases per 100,000, and Mongolia with 98 cases per 100,000.
Latest Coronavirus Worldwide Hot spots as of September 5, 2021

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