Five Countries that Have Stopped COVID-19, and How They Did It

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Casey O'Brien

November 05, 2020 3 min read


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Although COVID-19 cases are rising sharply in much of the U.S and Europe, in other parts of the world the virus has been mostly eradicated and life has nearly returned to a pre-pandemic “normal”. With a combination of mask orders, contact tracing and closing borders, a handful of countries have controlled COVID-19. Read on to learn how five countries stopped COVID-19 spread, and how they did it. And of course, follow along with us here on the Skip blog for more COVID-19 info.


Uruguay has the lowest fatality rate for COVID-19 in Latin America (1.9 percent case fatality) and has recorded only 59 deaths. Many nearby nations, like Argentina and Brazil, have had devastating outbreaks of the virus. Uruguay’s low rates of poverty and inequality, as well as government programs like universal healthcare, helped keep COVID-19 in check. Uruguay also created an app used for contact tracing, closed borders and distributed public health campaigns to promote masks and hand washing. Uruguay has had a slight uptick in cases and recorded 65 cases on October 28th, but has yet to have any major outbreaks even as people have returned to pre-pandemic routines like dining at restaurants, visiting museums and socializing.


Although Thailand recorded the second ever case of COVID-19 in January, it has since had remarkable success controlling the virus and has not recorded a single case of community transmission since May. The country was swift to close borders and enforce masking and social distancing. It also has a very successful contact tracing program, with an app that citizens log into when they enter anywhere—grocery stores, restaurants, schools and more. Thai citizens have been able to return to many of the routines of normal life since stopping the virus’ spread.

New Zealand

Aided by geography—New Zealand is an isolated island, and it’s closest neighbor, Australia, is more than 1,000 miles away—New Zealand has squashed coronavirus and citizens are no longer living with any COVID-19 restrictions. The island enforced a strict lockdown at the start of the pandemic and continues to contact trace vigorously to make sure that arrivals to the country do not bring the virus. However, with its borders still tightly closed to all except returning citizens and their families, New Zealand has yet to see any new outbreaks.


Vietnam, with a population of 95 million, has recorded only 35 total deaths from COVID-19. Like other Asian nations, their aggressive contact tracing strategy was key to Vietnam’s success. The Vietnamese government also passed a large stimulus bill to help businesses weather the pandemic. Although the Vietnamese media is state-owned, the government has allowed journalists to report openly on the pandemic, and has made information on the virus widely available.


Although Taiwan’s population lives in close quarters and the island is close to mainland China where the pandemic began, experts consider Taiwan’s record on the virus the best in the world. It has recorded only 7 deaths from the virus and its last case of community transmission was on April 12th. The island shut down their borders early and has near-universal mask compliance. The Taiwanese government also strictly enforces a 14-day quarantine for anyone contact tracers find to have been exposed, and offer groceries and government support to those in quarantine. There is a fine of up to $35,000 for breaking quarantine.

COVID-19 Can Be Controlled

COVID-19 spread can be stopped. Although the U.S. hasn’t yet controlled the virus, examples from around the world show us that it is possible. Citizens complying with contact tracing, mask-wearing and other measures can limit community spread so that life can return to normal. For more COVID-19 news, follow along with us on our blog and app.

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