How Can I Renew My Car Registration in Missouri?

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November 28, 2020 1 min read


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Here's a quick guide to renewing your vehicle registration in Missouri which we hope will save you time. In Missouri, you can renew your car registration in person, online, or via mail, so take your pick.

Renew Missouri Car Registration Online

Here are the steps to renewing your Missouri car registration online if you have your vehicle renewal form:

  1. Go to the Missouri DMV car registration website
  2. Type in your PIN printed on your license plate renewal notice
  3. You will be prompted to verify all information
  4. Pay the amount the system shows you

Renew Missouri Car Registration in Person

Here are the steps to renewing your Missouri car registration in person if you have received a renewal notice:

  1. Go to any Missouri DMV office
  2. Complete an Application for Motor Vehicle License (Form 184)
  3. Bring your certification for emissions/safety test, proof of insurance and your driver's license
  4. Pay the fees

Renew Missouri Car Registration via Mail

Here are the steps to renewing your Missouri car registration via mail if you have received a renewal notice:

  1. Gather the following documents: Form 148 Application for Motor Vehicle License; If applicable, Emissions/safety documents; A personal property tax receipt; Proof of Missouri auto insurance
  2. Pay the fees

Send all necessary documentation to:

Motor Vehicle Bureau
301 West High Street Room 370
Jefferson City, MO 65101
New Resident Registration

I Have Other Missouri DMV Questions


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