How to Find a Vaccine Appointment

Casey O'Brien photo
Casey O'Brien

April 07, 2021 3 min read


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Yesterday, President Biden announced that all adults will be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine by April 19th. If you’re not already vaccinated or eligible for a vaccine, you will be eligible to get an appointment in just two weeks.

People are eager to return to activities like socializing and travel once they have had their inoculation. The first step of getting an appointment can be difficult, though, even once you’re eligible,  because so many people are trying to get appointments at once. Here are some tips for finding a spot.

Look for a Site Near You

There are hundreds of thousands of vaccine sites all over the U.S. Pharmacies, health clinics, and mass vaccination sites all have doses to distribute. To find sites near you, you can check Vaccine Finder, a vaccine site search website from the CDC, or search for vaccine sites near you on Instagram and Facebook, which both have vaccine tools of their own. Once you find your nearest site, you can book an appointment (you may need to try multiple sites to find an appointment that works for you).

Refresh Webpages Frequently and Look for Patterns

Hundreds if not thousands of people may be attempting to book a vaccine appointment at the same time as you, so webpages may crash or appointments might get booked up before you can get one. Be patient and don’t worry—you will be able to get vaccinated!

Refresh pages often and try to book appointments at different times during the day. Look for patterns to see if you can understand when new appointments are posted—most sites post new appointments once per day, and if you can determine what time they’re added, you’ll have the best chance of snagging one.

Check the News for Sites Opening in Your Area

Every single day, vaccine sites are opening up all over the country, and the newest ones may not be on vaccine locators yet. New vaccine sites will often be covered by local media. Keep an eye on the news to find vaccine sites opening and when they will be available to distribute doses. News stories should also include phone numbers to call or websites to visit to book an appointment.

Have All Your Information Ready

When you log online to make your vaccine appointment, make sure you have all your basic personal information ready, like your drivers’ license or state ID number, your date of birth, your full name and your address. Many vaccine appointment portals won’t let you close the webpage window and reload, so you’ll need to enter all your information on the first try.

If you’re getting your vaccine through a specific eligibility tier, like employment or health issues, you may need to include proof of your eligibility when you book your appointment. If you have everything ready beforehand, you’ll have an easier time getting your appointment.

Show Up for Your Appointment On Time or Early

Once you have a vaccine appointment, make sure you come on time or early. Vaccine sites often have thousands of appointments a day, and you could lose your slot if you’re not there in time. You’ll likely need to provide some form of ID at your appointment, but your vaccine will be free.

Conclusion: More Vaccine Appointments Are Becoming Available

More vaccine appointments are becoming available as supplies are increasing throughout the U.S. Although it can be overwhelming to look for a vaccine appointment, you will be able to get your shot(s) and return to normal life.

If you want to see who in your social circle has been vaccinated, you can use our vaccine social tracker. Don't forget to turn on push notifications for the Skip Blog, so you can see the latest stimulus and vaccine news.


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