Latest Grant Opportunities for Individuals and Small Businesses

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September 28, 2020 3 min read


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Millions of Americans are struggling to pay rent, buy food, and keep their businesses open. This post will update the latest grant opportunities, both public and private, that might be available to you. We'll update this post weekly, or more often, if their are time-sensitive grants. This post will include national, state, and local grant programs and will compliment our YouTube stimulus and grant videos.

This post was last updated on September 27, 2020.

What Grant Opportunities Are Currently Available to Individuals?

  1. $10,000 EIDL Grants, Currently Unavailable: In the CARES Act, $20 billion was allocated to the EIDL grant program to give small businesses as well as independent contractors or anyone with side income, $10,000 emergency grants. In July, this program ran out of funding so at the moment, is not issuing new grants. In July, lawmakers put forth a bill to give $100 billion in more funding to the EIDL program. This legislation is pending. If anything changes with the bill, we will continue to keep you updated. Latest video updates here.
  2. $1200 Stimulus Checks, First Round, Distributed: In the CARES Act, the government authorized $1,200 stimulus checks for most individuals, as well as $500 for dependents under a certain age. Currently, the vast majority of these have been distributed. We are waiting for new stimulus news regarding a second stimulus check, which both Republicans and Democrats say they support. Latest video updates here.
  3. $500 Skip Grants, Available: As announced, 100% of our YouTube revenue in September 2020 is going to give out stimulus checks, aka grants, in the amount of $500, to help the maximum amount of people. Watch this video for details.

What Grant Opportunities Are Currently Available to Small Businesses?

  1. $20,000 Grants from National LISC, Unavailable: We covered the LISC-Lowes $55 million grant program in July. Much of the money has already been distributed however they have some alternative programs now, see below.
  2. $20,000 Grants from Rural Community LISC, Available: As part of the same program above, $18 million has been set aside to help small businesses in rural communities (defined as populations of 50,000 or less). The next round opens Monday, September 28th. More details are here.
  3. $5,000 to $15,000 Grants from Los Angeles Regional COVID-19 Recovery Fund, Available: This program for micro-entrepreneurs, small businesses, and non-profits in Los Angeles that meet certain criteria. A current round of grants is open - details are here.
  4. $10,000 Grants for New York City Minority-Owned Business Grants, Available: LISC NYC announced this program on September 14th and grants are currently available for eligible NYC businesses - details are here.
  5. $5,000 Grants from American Express to Black-Owned Businesses: Amex announced this program which we announced 2 weeks ago. This is an ongoing fund, but the first batch of applications is currently closed - more details are here.
  6. Various Grant and Loan Programs, San Francisco, Available: San Francisco has ongoing grant and loan programs available to help small businesses - more details are available here.
  7. $500 Skip Grants, Available: As announced, 100% of our YouTube revenue in September 2020 is going to give out stimulus checks, aka grants, in the amount of $500, to help the maximum amount of people. Watch this video for details.

What Other Grant Options Exist That Aren't Listed Here?

Our team is working daily to stay up-to-date on major grant programs across the US, however, there are thousands of efforts at local levels that we most certainly are missing.

We recommend also searching for local grants on your local town or cities website, or through local non-profits that you may know about.

We'll continue to do our best to save you time and find the best opportunities for you, as we fight to help millions of people in this country who are struggling financially. If you know about grant or financial opportunities that we haven't included, email us here.

$500 Skip Stimulus Checks, aka Skip Grants




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