Log onto the IRS Website Before Wednesday to Make Sure You Get Your Stimulus Check ASAP

Casey O'Brien photo
Casey O'Brien

May 11, 2020 1 min read

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Haven't received your stimulus check yet? You're not alone. But with the IRS estimating that it could be September before everyone eligible receives their funds, you'll want to do everything you can to make sure you don't have to wait months. There's one trick that will make a huge difference--but you have to do it soon.

The Deadline for Inputting your Direct Deposit Money is Noon on Wednesday

Receiving stimulus funds through direct deposit is much quicker and more efficient than a paper check, but the IRS has set the deadline for inputting your bank information for noon this Wednesday. If the IRS does not have your bank information by then, they will proceed with disbursing a paper check to you. Paper check disbursements are going to "sharply increase" in May and June, according to the IRS.

You can use the  Get My Payment tool on the website to put in your information for direct deposit. If you already have direct deposit information on file with the IRS, you shouldn't need to provide it, but it's still worth checking with the tool. You can also see what your payment will be and track when it will arrive. It has glitches, but it's the best option available through the IRS for those who pay taxes.  

The Get My Payment tool is designed for those who have filed or will file a 2019 tax return (even if you haven't yet). There is another tool designed for those who do not have to file taxes, like those living on social security--it's called the Non-Filers Tool. Only use this instead of the Get My Payment tool if you do not have filing requirements with the IRS.

If you haven't yet, make sure you check out our stimulus check tracker to look at self-reported data on who has received their check and when.

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