Naming Your LLC: Rules and Requirements for All 50 States

Ramona d'Viola photo
Ramona d'Viola

February 18, 2022 12 min read


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Deciding on a name for your LLC can be practical — or creative — but the one thing it must be is unique. Additionally, when forming your LLC, there are prohibited or restricted words and phrases that vary by state.

Here's the big list of LLC naming requirements for all 50 states.

General Naming Guidelines for Limited Liability Companies

In general, no matter where you live, your business name must include one of the following terms or abbreviations at the end:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • LLC
  • L.L.C.
  • LC
  • L.C.
  • Limited Liability Co.
  • Ltd Liability Company
  • Limited Company
  • Company or Co.

Moreover, when naming your limited liability company, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Your name cannot imply your LLC is a government agency, e.g. FBI, IRS, Treasury, DoD., etc.
  • Restricted words, such as Bank, Attorney, or University, may require additional paperwork, and a licensed individual(s), such as a doctor or lawyer, to be a principal of the LLC.
  • Your LLC must NOT contain any word inferring a different business entity type, e.g. Incorporation, Inc, Corporation, Corp., LLP, etc.
  • Your name must be unique and distinguishable from all other limited liability companies, corporations, or limited partnerships in your state.

Words, terms, and phrases allowed for use in LLCs vary from state to state, so we’ve compiled this list to help you create a legitimate and unique name — wherever you are.

If you’re new to business, learn more about limited liability companies with Skip’s Ultimate Guides on How to Setup an LLC in all 50 United States.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Alabama LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for an available LLC name in Alabama.


Your Alaska LLC name must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines, and may not contain the following words:

  • City
  • Borough
  • Village
  • Or, any word that implies your LLC is a municipality of any sort. You may use the name of the village, borough, or city as part of the name.

Search for an LLC name in the state of Alaska.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Arizona LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for available Arizona LLC names online.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Arkansas LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. Search for available LLC names in Arkansas.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your California LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. Search for an available LLC name in California.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Colorado LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. Find available LLC names in Colorado.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Connecticut LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. Search for all available Connecticut LLC names.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Delaware LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. Your Delaware LLC may include foreign words, as long as an English translation is provided when filing the LLC.  Search for Delaware LLC names online.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Florida LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. You’ll need to file additional paperwork, or obtain professional licensing to include these terms in your Florida LLC name:

  • Bank
  • Credit Union
  • Architect
  • Doctor
  • Engineer, etc.

Search online for available Florida LLC names.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Georgia LLC, which must also adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. Georgia has an extensive list of prohibited or restricted words requiring additional paperwork and/or explicit approval.

Use of the following terms in your Georgia LLC requires the written approval of the Office of Commissioner of Insurance:

  • Insurance
  • Assurance
  • Surety
  • Fidelity
  • Reinsurance
  • Reassurance
  • Indemnity

Use of the following terms in your Georgia LLC name requires the written approval of the Department of Banking and Finance:

  • Bank
  • Banc
  • Banque
  • Banker
  • Banking Company
  • Banking House
  • Bancorp
  • Bankruptcy
  • Credit Union
  • Savings & Loan
  • Trust
  • Trust Company

Use of the following terms in your Georgia LLC name requires written approval of the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission:

  • College
  • University

Search for available LLC names in the state of Georgia.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Hawaii LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. One exception: You may apply to use a name that is not readily distinguishable if the current owner provides written permission, or, if a court order allows it.

Lastly, All of the letters in your Hawaii LLC’s name must be from the English alphabet. Look for available LLC names in Hawaii.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Idaho LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. Search for your unique Idaho LLC name online.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Illinois LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general naming guidelines. Additionally, your Illinois LLC may only use these words in your business name if you or your business is certified in the profession, and may require additional paperwork:

  • Insurance
  • Surety
  • Underwriters
  • Bank
  • Bankers
  • Banking

Look for your Illinois LLC name online.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Indiana LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for available Indiana LLC names online.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Iowa LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines, however, in some circumstances you may use a name that’s similar to another business’s with written permission from the entity’s owner.

If granted, the former name holder must also request to change their old name in order to make it different from yours. Lastly, you can also obtain a no similar names ruling from the court establishing your sole right to use the name. Find available Iowa LLC names online.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Kansas LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines, however, in some circumstances you may use a name that’s similar to another business’s with written permission from the entity’s owner.

Your Kansas LLC name may contain the name of a member or manager, and it may also contain these words (or abbreviations):

  • Association
  • Club
  • Company
  • Foundation
  • Fund
  • LimitedSociety
  • Syndicate
  • Trust
  • Union

Search for your Kansas LLC name online.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Kentucky LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines, however, in some circumstances you may use a name that’s similar to another business’s with written permission from the entity’s owner. Find an available LLC name in Kentucky.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Louisiana LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines, however, in some circumstances you may use a name that’s similar to another business’s with written permission from the entity’s owner.

Your Louisiana LLC must not include the phrase, or abbreviation of “Doing Business As.” Your Louisiana name must also not imply an affiliation with any administrative agency of any “parish” (Louisiana's equivalent of a county), or the federal government. Find available Louisiana LLC names here.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Maine LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines, however, in some circumstances you may use a name that’s similar to another business’s with written permission from the entity’s owner. Search for available LLC names in Maine here.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Maryland LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines, however, in some circumstances you may use a name that’s similar to another business’s with written permission from the entity’s owner. Maryland LLC business entity name search.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Massachusetts LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. This applies to entities formed within Massachusetts, and those originally formed elsewhere, but authorized to conduct business in the state. Find your Massachusetts LLC business entity name here.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Michigan LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Look for an available Michigan LLC names here.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Minnesota LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for an available Minnesota LLC name here.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Mississippi LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Look for an available Mississippi LLC name.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Missouri LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Find an available Missouri LLC name.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Montana LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for an available Montana LLC name.


You will need a distinctive, original name for your Nebraska  LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. This applies to entities formed in Nebraska, as well as those originally formed elsewhere but authorized to operate in this state. Find an LLC name in Nebraska.


Your Nevada LLC’s business name must be distinguishable from all other business entities authorized to conduct business by the Nevada Secretary of State, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines.

Your LLC’s name is not allowed to include the following terms unless authorized by the Nevada State Board of Accountancy:

  • Accounting
  • Accountant
  • Accountancy
  • Auditing
  • Auditor

Additionally, your Nevada LLC’s name may not include the words Bank or Trust unless the articles of organization show your LLC conduct business exclusively as a banking or trust company. You must seek approval by the Nevada Commissioner of Financial Institutions to use these terms.

Lastly, your Nevada LLC business name may not include the following terms without the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors certifies the LLC’s principals are licensed to practice engineering under Nevada state law:

  • Engineer
  • Engineering
  • Engineered
  • Licensed Engineer
  • Professional Engineer
  • Registered Engineer

Search for an LLC name in Nevada.

New Hampshire

You will need a distinctive, original name for your Montana LLC, which must adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. A New Hampshire LLC name is allowed to contain the name(s) of a member(s) or manager(s), as well as any of the following words and/or their abbreviations:

  • Association
  • Club
  • Company
  • Foundation
  • Fund
  • Institute
  • Limited
  • Society
  • Syndicate
  • Trust
  • Union

Search for your New Hampshire LLC name here.

New Jersey

Your New Jersey LLC’s name must be distinguishable from the names of other business entities already registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Certain restricted words need additional paperwork, and other words are prohibited. Restricted and prohibited words include:

  • Blind
  • Cemetery
  • Funeral Homes
  • Handicapped
  • Urban Renewal
  • D.C.
  • District of Columbia
  • Little League
  • Metropolitan
  • Olympia
  • Olympic
  • Postal
  • Realtor
  • Trust
  • Underwriters

Look for LLC names in New Jersey.

New Mexico

Your New Mexico LLC’s name must be distinguishable from the names of other business entities already registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Find your New Mexico LLC business name.

New York

Your New York LLC’s name must be distinguishable from the names of other business entities already registered or reserved with the state, including registered trademarks, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines.

Restricted words for New York LLCs include:

  • America Espirito Sport Fraternite
  • Citius Altius Fortius
  • Academy
  • Acceptance
  • Annuity
  • Arboretum
  • Assurance
  • Bank
  • Benefit
  • Blind
  • Bond
  • Casualty
  • College
  • Conservatory
  • Council
  • Doctor
  • Education
  • Elementary
  • Endowment
  • Exchange
  • Fidelity
  • Finance
  • Guaranty
  • Handicapped
  • Historical
  • Historical Society
  • History
  • Indemnity
  • Industrial Organization
  • Institute
  • Insurance
  • Investment
  • Kindergarten
  • Labor
  • Lawyer
  • Library
  • Loan
  • Mortgage
  • Museum
  • Olympiad
  • Prekindergarten
  • Preschool
  • Savings
  • School
  • Secondary
  • Surety
  • Title
  • Trust
  • Underwriter
  • Union
  • United Nations
  • University

Additional prohibited words include:

  • Attorney
  • Board of Trade
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Community
  • Cooperation
  • Cooperative
  • Corporation
  • Incorporated
  • Olympic or Olympics
  • Partnership
  • Redevelopment
  • State Police
  • State Trooper
  • Tenant Relocation
  • Urban Development
  • Urban Relocation

Find your New York LLC business name.

North Carolina

The name of your North Carolina LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines.

Your North Carolina's LLC’s name is only allowed to include the following terms with additional paperwork and authorization by licensing or governing agencies within the state of North Carolina:

  • Accountant
  • Accountancy
  • Architect
  • Architecture
  • Architectural
  • Auditor
  • Auditing
  • Auditor
  • Banker
  • Banking
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Cooperative
  • Engineer
  • Engineering
  • Engineered
  • Licensed Engineer
  • Mutual
  • Professional Engineer
  • Registered Engineer
  • Survey
  • Surveyor
  • Surveying
  • Trust

Search for unique LLC names in North Carolina

North Dakota

The name of your North Dakota LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines.

In some circumstances you may use a name that’s similar to another business’s with written permission from the entity’s owner. North Dakota LLC business entity name search.


The name of your Ohio LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Your Ohio LLC names may not contain:

  • Profanity
  • Racial, ethnic, religious, sexual orientaion, or any other gender- or hereditary-specific slurs

Certain restricted words require additional paperwork and qualifications for use in your business name, including names associated with financial institutions like a bank or credit union. Look for an Ohio LLC business name.


The name of your new Oklahoma LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state during the past three years, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Find an LLC name in Oklahoma.


The name of your Oregon LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for your Oregon LLC name here.


The name of your Pennsylvania LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. There are additional prohibited and restricted words with limitations on their use in a Pennsylvania LLC name. These include:

  • Annuity
  • Apothecary
  • Architect
  • Architecture
  • Assurance
  • Beneficial
  • Bond
  • Casualty
  • Bank
  • Banking
  • Banker
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • College
  • Drugs
  • Druggist
  • Drug Shop
  • Drug Store
  • Electricity
  • Endowment
  • Engineer
  • Engineering
  • Fidelity
  • Fraternal
  • Gas Utilities
  • Guaranty
  • Homeopathic
  • Homeopathy
  • Indemnity
  • Insurance
  • Insurer
  • Medicines
  • Medicine Store
  • Mutual
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Pharmacist
  • Pharmacy
  • Public Accountant
  • Reassurance
  • Reinsurance
  • Seminary
  • Surety
  • Surveyor
  • Surveying
  • Title
  • Trust
  • University

Certain restricted words need additional paperwork for use in your business name. This includes both names associated with institutions, (e.g., banks and credit unions) and words associated with qualified professions like doctors, engineers, attorneys or architects. Search for an LLC name in Pennsylvania.

Rhode Island

The name of your Rhode Island LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Find an LLC name in Rhode Island.

South Carolina

The name of your South Carolina LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Lookup a South Carolina LLC name here.

South Dakota

The name of your South Dakota LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Lookup a South Dakota LLC name here.

Additionally, a South Dakota LLC is allowed to use the name of another domestic or foreign company if the other company is authorized to conduct business in South Dakota, and any of the following statements are true:

  • The company asking to use the name has merged with the other company
  • The company asking to use the name has been formed by reorganization with the other company
  • The company asking to use the name has acquired all of the assets (including the name) of the other company

Find your South Dakota LLC name.


The name of your Tennessee LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Look up a Tennessee LLC name here.


The name of your Texas LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for a Texas LLC name.


The name of your Texas LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Your Utah LLC name may not contain the following words or phrases without the written consent of the U.S. Olympic Committee:

  • Olympic
  • Olympiad
  • Citius Altius Fortius

Unless your LLC has written consent from the Division of Consumer Protection, it may not contain the words University, College, or Institute. Find an available LLC name in Utah.


The name of your Vermont LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Look for an LLC name in Vermont.


The name of your Virginia LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Look for a Virginia LLC name.


The name of your Washington State LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for a Washington LLC name.

West Virginia

The name of your West Virginia LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Find your West Virginia LLC name.


The name of your Wisconsin LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Look for a Wisconsin LLC business name.


The name of your Wyoming LLC must be distinct from any other business entity’s name registered or reserved with the state, and adhere to the previously mentioned general guidelines. Search for a Wyoming LLC business name.


limited liability company

llc naming requirements

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