Skip's $500 Grant Program

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October 06, 2020 2 min read


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Since September, we've been donating 100% of our YouTube revenue to give out $500 grants, aka stimulus checks, to our subscribers, as part of our #skipstimulus initiative. Everyone is eligible: There are no credit checks or business checks. If the government cannot pass another stimulus package, we want to help as many people as possible and inspire others to do the same. Here's what you need to know and how you can be a part of it.

What is the Skip Grant aka Skip Stimulus Initiative?

Here's the story: We've been covering stimulus news and COVID news since February on our YouTube channel. We grew tired of reporting on stalled stimulus package negotiations between Democrats and Republicans. We decided to do something about it.

At the beginning of September, we announced we would donate 100% of YouTube revenue to give away our own stimulus checks. After tens of thousands of people supported our effort and shared their story, we:

  1. Announced our first 10 $500 stimulus check winners on October 1st
  2. Picked 3 more $500 winners on October 5
  3. Announced we would do weekly giveaways through October (and beyond)

How can you be eligible for our $500 stimulus checks?

As we mentioned in our announcement video, the first thing you need to do is be sure you're subscribed to our YouTube channel.

Our first dozen winners were picked via because they left a comment on our video with the #stimulus and were subscribed to our YouTube channel.

There are new rules this month: You'll also need to enter your name here so we can be sure to contact you when we announce winners. When we announce our giveaways on YouTube we will also email you, so you don't miss out.

How long will we continue giving out $500 stimulus checks?

We will continue our #skipstimulus initiative as long as we can. We know that we're only one small company in the grand scheme of things. Our bigger mission is to inspire others to think about doing the same — or at least raising awareness or helping however they can.

There are tens of millions of people who are unemployed, at risk of eviction, struggling to feed their families, and in general, having a difficult time. There are hundreds of thousands of businesses shutting down or at severe risk of shutting down.

The government has a huge role to play — but so do all of us. Collective efforts can make a big difference, and that's why we're doing this.

If you're one of the tens of thousands of folks who've been supporting our giveaway effort, thank you. Just by sharing this information you're helping others and of course, increasing your chances of winning one of our $500 stimulus checks.

#SkipStimulus Recap

Subcribe to our YouTube channel, add your name here, and watch our YouTube videos. Every week we will pick multiple $500 grant winners.

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