Transition to Biden Administration Formally Begins

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November 24, 2020 • 1 min read


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Breaking News via the NYTimes: On Monday evening, the administrator of the General Services Administration, Emily Murphy, formally designated Joseph R. Biden Jr as the winner of the presidential election, allowing federal funds and resources to be disbursed to the Biden team.

Ms. Murphy had been under scrutiny since Biden was declared President-elect on Saturday November 7th — over 2 weeks ago. She solely was responsible for writing the letter to Biden's team to authorize federal funds, resources, and personnel available to help aide in the transition.

The decision came today after several more senior Republican lawmakers denounced Ms. Murphy's delay in allowing the peaceful transfer of power to begin. Mr. Biden had criticized this as well saying the delay was affecting the President-elect's team to prepare effectively when they take office on January 20th.

In her letter today, Ms. Murphy defended her decision to wait saying, "I do not think that an agency charged with improving federal procurement and property management should place itself above the constitutionally-based election process."

President Trump tweeted earlier that he will continue to fight the results of the election and said he had directed Ms. Murphy to do what needs to be done "with regard to initial protocols." However, Ms. Murphy says it was solely her decision to write the letter and not directed by Mr. Trump.

Further Reading

📌 Election Results via the NYTimes

📌 Will There Be a New Stimulus Package or Not


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