Ultimate Guide to Renewing your Pennsylvania Driver License

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January 17, 2021 2 min read


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Wondering what you need and how you can renew your Pennsylvania Driver's License? Here is the ultimate guide to quickly and easily renewing your Pennsylvania driver license.

What You’ll Need to Renew your Pennsylvania Driver License

  • Invitation to Renew by mail or download Form DL-143.
  • Proof of Identification
  • Check or money order made payable to PennDOT in the amount indicated on the form. Cash or credit/debit cards cannot be accepted.

What You’ll Need to Do to Renew your Pennsylvania Driver License in Person

  1. Visit any DMV office and bring the completed Form DL-143.
  2. Pay the required fees.
  3. Individuals who renew their driver's license or ID beginning May 10, 2020 will receive a new product using the current photo of that individual that exists in our system. No camera cards will be issued to these individuals. Product will be mailed within 15 days. The renewal process is complete when customers receive their final product in the mail.

If you are 65 or older, you may renew your license every 2 years.

If you are not eligible to renew online, you may renew by mail.

What You’ll Need to Do to Renew your Pennsylvania Driver License by Mail

  1. Complete the application form.
  2. Add check or money order of $30.50 payable to PennDOT
  3. Send the form and check to
    Bureau of Driver Licensing,
    P.O. Box 68272,
    PA 17106-8272
  4. Wait around 14 business days for your camera card to be delivered to your home.
  5. Visit a Driver License and Photo License Center. Bring your camera card and a required form of identification. No appointments are available.
  6. Have your picture taken and receive your new driver's license.

What You’ll Need to Do to Renew your Pennsylvania Driver License Online

You may renew online if :

  • Your current license is still valid or expired less than 6 months ago.
  • There are no changes that needed to be included on your file.
  • Your current license is a Photo Driver's License.
  1. Go to online driver services.
  2. Enter your driver license number, date of birth and 4 last digits of SSN.
  3. Pay the fee of $30.50 online by a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover debit or credit card.
  4. Wait about 14 business days for your camera card to be delivered to your home.
  5. Visit a Driver License and Photo License Center. Bring your camera card and a required form of identification. No appointments are available.
  6. Have your picture taken and receive your new driver's license.

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pennsylvania driver license

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drivers license renewal

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