Want the SBA to Increase Targeted EIDL Grant Eligibility?

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April 26, 2021 1 min read


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On Friday, April 24 the SBA announced details for the additional $5K EIDL Grants. This new program will allow 1 million businesses to get an additional $5,000 if they qualify for a Targeted EIDL Advance and meet revenue decline requirements.

But there's a major problem.

Hundreds of thousands of businesses otherwise deserving of the funding DO NOT qualify based on their business address because of the "low-income" provision.

This "low-income" provision only allows businesses in a low-income area based on past census data to qualify for the full $10K or the extra $5K grants. Many of these businesses are across the street from a low-income area and need the support just as much — if not more — than other struggling small businesses.

Add Your Name

Add your name to our letter we're writing to the SBA for them to consider changing this program or allocating more funding to EIDL grants.

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Share this post by email, with friends, and across social media. As soon as we get 100,000 we'll write to the head of the SBA, Isabel Guzman, and our other SBA contacts.

The SBA does listen to small business feedback and this is one of the best opportunities to affect policy change and help businesses like yours get the small business support they need.

eidl grant

eidl advance

targeted eidl grant

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