What Rental Assistance is Available in Your State?

Casey O'Brien photo
Casey O'Brien

March 18, 2021 6 min read


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One of the first actions that President Biden took on his first day in office  was to extend the federal ban on evictions until the end of March of 2021, but the ban doesn’t cancel rent payments. Millions of Americans are currently struggling or unable to pay their rent, which could leave them in debt when the ban ends. The stimulus bill passed at the end of 2020 included $25 billion in rental assistance through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, and the funds are just beginning to reach states. Although not every state has assistance available yet, there are programs in some states that are active and accepting applications for assistance, and we've pulled them together in this post.

If you are looking for help, look for your state below (this list is in alphabetical order). As the stimulus funds are distributed to state governments and more programs open for applications, we will update this post.

📌 Last Updated March 18 3:00 PM EST

Alabama: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Alaska: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Arizona: Eviction Prevention Assistance

Arizona’s Eviction Prevention program offers funds to those facing dire financial straits or the possibility of homelessness. The program is currently only open for second applications from those who previously applied, but will open for new applications soon (likely in February). Get more info here.

Arkansas: Emergency Rental Assistance

Arkansas residents who have lost income during the public health crisis can get emergency assistance from their local housing authority. For more info, find your local branch’s contact info here.

California: Rental Assistance for Landlords and Tenants

California's rental assistance program will distribute $2.6 billion in funds to both landlords and tenants who cannot pay their rent. Landlords can choose to accept up to 80% of unpaid rent, and tenants whose landlords choose not to participate in the application process can still apply for up to 25% of unpaid rent on their own. Tenants must be at or below 80% of their area's median income to apply. The program is now accepting applications from both tenants and landlords; learn more and apply here.

Colorado: Rent and Mortgage Assistance

Colorado residents who have lost income in the public health crisis and whose income is at or below 80% of their Area Median Income (see yours here), may qualify for assistance. Apply online here.

Connecticut: Rent Bank

Connecticut has a rent bank to help residents struggling to pay their rent, especially families. Learn more and apply here.

Delaware: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Georgia: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Florida: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Hawaii: Rent Supplement

Low-income Hawaii residents may qualify for up to $500 per month in assistance from the state to help bridge the gap between what they can afford and what their rent costs. Learn more and apply here.

Idaho: Financial Assistance For Families

Low-income families in Idaho may qualify for up to $309 a month in assistance from the state, which they could use toward rent or other expenses. Learn more and apply here.

Illinois: Financial Assistance for Renters

Illinois offers emergency rental assistance for tenants and landlords. Learn more and apply here.

Indiana: Rental Assistance for Up to 6 Months

Indiana residents can get up to 6 months of assistance from the state. Learn more and apply here.

Iowa: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Kansas: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Kentucky: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Louisiana: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Maine: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Maryland: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Massachusetts: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Michigan: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are

Minnesota: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Mississippi: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are

Missouri: Up to a Year of Assistance

Up to 12 months of assistance will be available for Missouri residents in need starting in February. Learn more and apply here.

Montana: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Nebraska: Applications Are Open for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Nebraska has received their funds for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and applications are now open. Both tenants and landlords can apply, and the state expects to accept applications through the end of August. $200 million total is available, and up to $20,000 per applicant. You can learn more about the program and apply here.

Nevada: Rental Assistance for Low-Income Residents

Nevada residents who have been impacted by the public health crisis and have $3000 or less in savings may qualify for rental assistance from the state. Learn more and apply here.

New Hampshire: Community Action Partnership Rental and Mortgage Assistance

Community groups in New Hampshire have received funding from the state to distribute emergency rental and mortgage assistance. To learn more and apply here.

New Jersey: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

New Mexico: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

New York: One Time Emergency Assistance

Residents of New York state with 80% or below their Area’s Median Income can apply for one-time assistance with their rent or mortgage between now and February 1. Learn more or apply here.

North Carolina:  Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

North Dakota: Rent Bridge

North Dakota’s Human Services agency has a program called the Emergency Rent Bridge, which can provide assistance temporarily for low-income residents (at or below 60% of the Area’s Median Income). Learn more and apply online here.

Ohio: Home Relief Program

Individuals and families in need can qualify for assistance with rent, utilities or mortgage payments by applying through their local Community Action Agency (CAA). Learn more about the program's requirements and find your local CAA here.

Oklahoma: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Oregon: Mortgage help

Oregon has a program to help homeowners behind on their mortgage payments. Learn more or apply here.

Pennsylvania: Cash Assistance for Families

Low-income families in Pennsylvania can qualify for temporary cash assistance to use toward rent or other expenses. Learn more or apply here.

Rhode Island: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

South Carolina: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

South Dakota: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are

Tennessee: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Texas: Assistance Through Community Groups

Texas has rental assistance available for residents, but they must apply through designated community groups and local organizations, not the state directly. You can learn more about the program and its partner organizations here.

Utah: Emergency Rent Relief

For residents at or below 80% of the Area’s Median Income, Utah offers emergency rent relief. You can learn more and apply here.

Vermont: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Virginia: Emergency Rent Relief

Virginia also has rental assistance available for those at or below 80% of the Area Median Income. Learn more and apply here.

Washington: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

West Virginia: Mountaineer Rental Assistance Program

West Virginia’s rent relief program for those at or below 80% of the Area Median Income, the Mountaineer Rental Assistance Program, will reopen in early February. Learn more and apply here.

Wisconsin: Rental Assistance Not Yet Available

There are no funds available yet, but we will update when they are.

Wyoming: Rental Assistance Program

Wyoming has a rental assistance program for those who have lost income during the public health crisis. To qualify, household income must be $20,000 or less per year. Learn more or apply here.

Washington, DC: Rental Assistance Program

Washington, DC has its own rental assistance program for those living at or below 80% of the Area Median Income. Learn more or apply here.

We will update this post periodically as programs open up for applications. In the meantime, you can get the latest news on stimulus funding and other aid with our free app, which you can download at TrackStimulusCheck.com.

rental assistance


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