$10 Million in Grants for O'ahu Small Businesses Due Soon

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January 27, 2023 • 1 min read


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This month the city of Honolulu announced one of the largest post pandemic relief grant programs to help businesses that were affected by Covid-19. You might be thinking "It's a little too late for the businesses who were hit the hardest," but this program includes businesses that shut down because of the pandemic.

That's right, if your business closed because of the pandemic you can apply to receive a grant to help start your business back up again! This is a huge initiative that has the power to transform some unlucky small business owners' lives. Here is how the program works:

Amount: $10 million, distributed between 400 businesses for individual amounts ranging from $15,000 to $50,000

Eligibility: You must be an O'ahu based for-profit small business owner.

Application: You can apply by visiting OahuBizGrant.org. The application portal will open on January 30, 2023, at 8:00 AM HST.

Remember: Applications will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis. They are only going to be reviewing the first 400 eligible businesses that apply.

📌 Next Steps: Interested? Add this opportunity to your Skip Dashboard and see tips and links on how to apply successfully.

Here is a list of the documents that you will need to complete your application.

We encourage you to review the FAQ provided by the city of Honolulu and prepare your documents well before hand.

And as always, if you need assistance to ensure your documents are prepared correctly and you're putting your best foot forward on the application, we're here to help. Sign up for 1-1 help or book a free call to learn more.

small business grants


hawaii small business grants

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